1:1 Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching


I believe...


Mobility is the foundation for self-care

I see so many fitness programs and coaches refer to mobility as “accessory work.” As a licensed physical therapist and a believer in human movement, I’m here to teach you that mobility is actually the foundation for optimized, pain-free movement. It’s the basis for your ability to run longer, lift heavier, stretch further. It’s the skill that lays the groundwork for all functional movement. It’s what protects your back when you lift your kid. When you set an intention to move your best, you set an intention to optimize your physical and mental health. And when you care for yourself, you can then care for others.

You deserve to be pain-free

You wake up every morning and you SHOW UP. You show up for your family, for your boss, for your friends… but do you show up for you? When you’re in pain, do you treat yourself with the same care that you do others in your life? Pain of any kind - back pain, hip pain, foot pain, shoulder pain, headaches - can be addressed with mobility and stability work. The kind of work that might take you an extra 15 minutes, but keep you going for 15 more years. You deserve to move without pain. We can work towards that goal together.

Exercise and movement can elevate you

When you exercise your body - and that’s any kind of movement meant to improve your physical wellness - you’re creating the opportunity to exercise your mind and strengthen the mind-body connection. Our brain and our muscles are connected through the nervous system, but the benefits of exercise and movement on mood and mental health have been shown time and time again in the research. Movement can affect your WHOLE PERSON. Why not take the chance to take control of your movement and be the best you you can be?

Growth requires intention

I’m an honest, straightforward person, and so I’ll tell it to you straight — where there’s no effort, no energy, no focus, no desire - there’s no results. Growth requires intention. For some, the hard part is the movement. For others, the hard part is taking control of their own growth. No matter who you are, I’m here to help you set an intention for yourself and reach your goals through movement and mobility.

Be proud of who you are and what you can do. Wake up every day and tackle life with ease and energy. Train your best in the gym, in your home, or outdoors. Set your intention to move. Set an intention to grow.

Move Better With Me