
15 minutes a day to speed your postpartum recovery, prevent/relieve pain, and optimize your movement so you can do the greatest job of all time

Learn More about Mobility for Mamas

Promote recovery and optimize movement

-> 12 weeks, 15 minutes a day, split into short, digestible sections you can do throughout the day
-> Stretching, mobility, core & pelvic floor strength, breathing, stability, and more
-> Safe to start in the first 6 weeks postpartum
-> Self-screening tool to track your progress
-> 1:1 access to a licensed strength coach and physical therapist
-> Bonus content, mini workouts, and interviews with health and wellness professionals

Empower yourself to move through life with confidence and ease

My evidence-based, 15-minute a day exercise program specific to postpartum women will help you recover your physical status, get back to exercising (if that’s your thing), and uphold your maternal responsibility to take care of yourself - so that you can take care of your family.

Welcome, Mama!

You did it! You grew a human. Whether it’s your first human or your 5th, you just spent the better part of a year sharing your body, and you’re stronger for it.

I know your job doesn’t stop there. Feeding the baby (and your family, and yourself). Clean clothes. Clean(ish) house. WORK. Walk the dog. Make coffee. Take a nap. Hell, even taking a shower is a chore… Moms, we need endless energy just to get through the day sometimes!

You’re asking: how can I possibly focus on myself right now?

I’m saying: how CAN’T you?

As a mom, you need STRENGTH, ENERGY, AND MOBILITY to do your job.

-> The strength to hold, lift, and play with your baby
-> The energy to care for your family
-> The mobility to lift your baby out of the crib without pain
-> The strength to carry that carseat out the front door (shockingly hard…)
-> The energy to get back to the job you love
-> The mobility to squat to the floor, swiping your toddler away from that piece of glitter she’s about to eat…
…and the list goes on.

What You'll Get

12 Weeks

No equipment, plus bonus videos and workouts for

Each week will include a set of videos (15-20 minutes per day) that you can check off one by one throughout your day, split into 5-7 minute segments. Exercises progress through stretching, mobility drills, core/pelvic floor exercises, breathing activities, and strength training to promote recovery and optimize movement.

App-Based Tracking

Track your progress weekly with assessments and objective data

Screen your baseline mobility and stability, access weekly tracking worksheets, and use an in-app calendar with to-do list, which you can revisit time and time again to track your progress in an objective way and see how far you’ve come.


1:1 Q&A with me to address personalized changes you can make for your recovery

Questions? Schedule time with me (Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach, licensed PT) at no additional cost, for questions about this program and your postpartum strength and mobility. Plus, direct access to me through in-app messaging.

Evidence Based — No Equipment Required

PLUS: breakout educational videos touching on ab separation, hormones, aerobic exercise, breathing, nutrition, and mental health + periodical newsletters with bonus workouts and motivational moments - so you can take a whole-person approach to your postpartum recovery.

Give yourself the power to change your body and build a strong foundation and reclaim your body in just 15 minutes a day in 5 minute segments, right from your home.

The exercises provided and the programming instructions included are generally safe to begin within days following childbirth, given there were no unusual complications. Specific programming instructions for c-section/vaginal birth are included. If you have any questions about whether this program is appropriate for you, consult your physician first, and please email me (Dr. Dominique Collins, PT, DPT, CSCS) at dominique@intentionalmobility.com with any questions.


According to a recent study out of Nursing for Women’s Health, 3 categories influenced exercise patterns for postpartum moms: Time, Maternal Responsibilities, and Physical Status, and we can reconcile these categories by identifying exercise groups and programs specific to postpartum women and connecting exercise with social support.

The Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy recently put out an article in 2020 that concluded an 8 week ab rehab program reduced diastasis recti in female runners up to 2 years postpartum.

That same journal put out another 2020 article stating that behavioral modifications and exercise programs postpartum immediately improved low back pain, quality of life, impact of pelvic floor disorder symptoms, diastasis recti, and pelvic muscle alignment.

In Physical Therapy, researchers have found that, in order to return to activities more quickly, mamas can start general exercise within the first 6 weeks after giving birth, barring complications.

Exercise can reduce postpartum fatigue, improve body image (if approached in a healthy, guided manner), and reduce postpartum depression severity.

Set your intention to make healthy postpartum choices with me, TODAY.


Less than $9 a week
No subscription required
No equipment required
1:1 access to PT/strength coach
Start today, at your own pace


one time payment

12 weeks of programming designed to build the foundations of strength, mobility, and energy you need to move well as a mom

This program is for you if you...

are less than 6 weeks postpartum

want to return to higher level exercise and fitness but aren’t sure what’s safe or practical

hate exercise but need energy

are more than 6 weeks and up to 100 years postpartum

are pregnant and want to prepare

want to make informed decisions about your body and learn about your hormones

had a natural birth OR a c-section

want to be educated about pregnancy & postpartum recovery

No matter your birth story, no matter if you’ve ever exercised a day in your life, no matter how few hours you have in your day, the Mobility for Mamas program will help you build a foundation to care for your family without pain, and still get back to what you love.



Is this a one-time payment only?

Absolutely. This is NOT a subscription program. You won’t get a recurring bill. This one time payment will give you lifetime access to exclusive content that will help you recover your mobility and core strength after childbirth.

Are there start and end dates to this program?

No. Start on your own time, and progress at your own rate! This is YOUR recovery. You have access for 1 year and can start as soon after birth as you’d like.

How soon after baby can I start this program?

You need to take AT LEAST few days to breathe, enjoy the beauty of becoming a mom, come to terms with your birth story, and get used to your new routine and way of life. You’ve been through a lot! No matter what type of birth you had, you can start this program as early as 1 week out. (Please see above for c-section moms — you will not progress through this program as quickly due to surgical recovery restictions.) The program starts with gentle stretching and progresses to mobility, stability, and strengthening over 12 weeks, with breakouts for form, aerobic exercise, and more. This is your recovery, so you can take longer if need to, or move through more quickly if you’re ready! Remember, we’re building a FOUNDATION for the strength, mobility, and energy you’ll need to tackle life as a mom and care for yourself and your family.

Am I going to lose weight?

You might - but remember, if you’re immediately postpartum, the focus is on RECOVERY, not losing the baby weight. You’ll learn about weight loss, hormones, and return to exercise once you learn foundational fitness in this program.

I had my baby years ago, and I feel like I could be stronger … is this for me?

Yes! Absolutely. Before starting this program, please contact me for a free 15 minute consult. We can establish a good baseline and figure out which specific components of this program to focus on, and how to progress.

What if I had a c-section?

Totally fine! I’ve included specific programming tips for you. Gentle stretching and pelvic floor contractions are a great way to start recovering safely. If you are within the first 4 weeks after c-section, MAKE SURE to tune into the intro video for specific programming catered directly to your recovery. After 4 weeks, it’s safe to progress through this program with no modifications. Remember - a c-section is a major abdominal surgery. The 6-week waiting time until full exercise clearance might feel like a year, but you’re healing inside and out.

Can I continue my other workouts?

Of course, but I encourage you to focus on recovery first and take a pause on HIIT, Crossfit, spin, running, barre, etc. This is a “not right now” (not a “no forever”) recommendation that will allow you to build a baseline and progress back to high level exercise safely without developing movement compensations that will cause problems down the line.

What is Trainerize?

Trainerize is a fitness website/app where you can access your workout content. It’s free for you, and includes all of the training videos included in this program, a calendar/to-do list for each day so you can track your progress, and a messaging feature for an additional way to contact me. You can access from your mobile device or a computer.

What if I need help?

I’m always here for you! Please email me: dominique@intentionalmobility.com or use my Contact Form to get in touch. I’m happy to answer any questions about the program and will respond within 3 business days.

What happens if I’m unsatisfied?

I never want you to feel like you didn’t get your money’s worth. If you’re unsatisfied for whatever reason, feel free to contact me at dominique@intentionalmobility.com or using the contact form within 30 days, let me know what I could do better, and I’ll provide you with a full refund.

A little bit about me…

My name is Dom and I believe that movement is a skill. As babies, we learn to move through trial and error, fumbling and falling until we master the art of walking, running, throwing, jumping, reaching, and playing. We change how we move as we move through life. Maybe we grow awkwardly, maybe we never fully recover from a childhood injury, maybe our jobs require us to move in a way that’s counterintuitive to our natural function. Maybe we’ve spent the last 9 months growing a human and sharing our bodies, and we don’t know how to get control of those bodies back. I believe that mobility is the foundation of optimized, pain free movement.

Mobility is the foundation for self-care.

It might not be easy. We’ve got set patterns of movement, and sometimes we need to disrupt those patterns to get back the basic mobility we need. BUT - we’re busy, and as moms, we often prioritize the needs of others in front of our own. For me, exercise is an outlet. Without a regular mobility practice, I couldn’t exercise without pain. Without exercise, I couldn’t care for myself mentally.

Without caring for myself, I wouldn’t be able to care for the ones that I love. That’s the motto of this program.

Set your intention to move better TODAY.

Speed your postpartum recovery, prevent and relieve pain, and optimize your movement so you can do the greatest job of all time.